
Free Dental Treatment for Veterans Nov 8th, 9am – 3pm courtesy of Hometown DDS

Veterans Service Commission Van Transportation

The Veterans Service Commission of Clark County provides twice daily van service to the Dayton VA Medical Center. The VSCCC transports veterans to the Springfield Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC).

Only veterans with verified appointments will be transported.
Walk-ins must have a VA staff member sign the appointment sheet confirming the veteran was a walk-in.

Transportation is for veterans only. Spouses or other companions who wish to accompany a veteran for medical reasons will need a statement from the veterans physician indicating this need.

Scheduling and/or Canceling a Ride with the Dayton VA Medical Center

  • Scheduling or canceling a ride must be made through the Clark County Veterans Office at (937) 521-2030. You are NOT to call the van driver for any reason.
  • Cancellations must be made prior to 4:00p.m. the day before the scheduled ride; after that you will be counted as a “no show”.
  • For transportation on Mondays, any cancellations must be made prior to 3:00p.m. the Friday before the ride.
  • Additionally, prior to or at the time of the first ride a veteran must complete and return the Van Transportation Agreement(PDF).


In order to continue this service all passengers are expected to abide by the following rules and standards at all times:

If you have a scheduled ride to the Dayton VAMC, you are expected to ride there and back the same day. A statement from VA staff will be needed if you need to stay longer or are unable to ride the van back.

Passengers are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Rude and/or disrespectful behavior towards the driver or other passengers will not be tolerated.

*Violations of these standards will result in the following consequences:

    1st Offense ~ Written Warning
    2nd Offense ~ 90 day sanction
    3rd Offense ~ 180 day sanction
    4th Offense ~ permanent sanction


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